As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact more and more our daily lives, we want to give you an overview about our current situation and potential effects on our future operations.
First of all we want to make clear that we support all regulations and recommendations to contain the virus. The health of our employees and business partners is our top priority. Company-wide we have mandated socialdistancing, as well as hygiene measures according to the recommendations of the WHO. We are keeping workrelated travel to an absolute minimum and have restricted access for visitors wherever possible. Employees who can work from home are doing so. Shift working helps to ensure the required social distancing.
As a result we are currently fully operational with no serious impact on our deliveries.
We have established an emergency plan to handle the following possible influencing factors in the future:
- We have all our sales and engineering contacts in place. So you can reach us on the usual e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers. Potential substitutions or stand-ins will be managed internally without effects to our business partners.
- We are monitoring our capacity regarding availability of our workers and the machines. In case we have a reduction of capacity (which cannot be compensated by introducing another shift), we will stop producing internal warehouse orders and manufacture customer orders only. Here, we will prioritise orders with a fixed deadline. This can mean that other orders may have small delays.
- Please understand that we are currently unable to reduce agreed delivery times. In case of an emergency please contact us to discuss possible solutions.
- We are in constant contact with our supply-chain partners and see no major problems at the moment. Depending on the destination of our deliveries, there may delays in shipment because of reduced transportation worldwide and delays due to border controls.
- In case of regulatory requirements to close down non-essential production we consider ourselves as essential because we are suppliers to the food and beverage industry.
- The Plant-Manager of all our Production Sites in Europe and USA are cooperating across borders to support each other and minimize the effects of COVID-19 to our supplies
We are convinced that we have undertaken everything possible to avoid serious impacts due to COVID-19 on our operations and consider ourselves well positioned.
Of course – like everyone in these uncharted territories – we re-evaluate our situation every day. Should we see the necessity to adapt or change our strategy we will, of course, keep you informed.
Stay healthy and safe,
Hans-Peter Kämpfer
CEO / President