At the EMO – the world trade fair for machine tools and metalworking – we will show two grinding machines: the IG FXS and the IG IS.
The IG IS is an internal grinding machine with a centre height of 230 mm, maximum piece length of 250 mm and a maximum grinding length of 200 mm.
The grinding machine exhibited is equipped with two spindles, a direct workhead with Morse and ASA taper 6. The bed is in natural granite, to ensure the maximum thermal stability.
The Siemens 840D SL with a 19” operator panel is also suitable for grinding unround profiles.
The software installed is GrindSELECT, that, among other options, allow you to perform a 3D simulation of the grinding process.
The IG FXS is an external grinding machine. Its strength lies in the size: it’s the smallest machine of our portfolio, with a floor space requirement that’s 25% less than our IG FS. The maximum grinding length is 250 mm and the technology available in this model is the most advanced possible in the grinding field. The bed is in natural granite, to ensure the maximum thermal stability.
Meet us at booth F22/G21 in hall 3.